Chemical-based conventional farming has been an agricultural crutch, allowing companies to profit off the destruction of our Earth. While it seems like the quickest, easiest way to keep weeds and insects at bay while feeding millions of people, it is not the best in the long run. Sustainable agriculture aims to correct the ills of conventional agriculture and protect the planet for generations to come.
Conventional agriculture uses:
Conventional agriculture uses:
Industrial farming has been the conventional methodology for decades because it results in higher production at lower cost, but there are some very serious problems with this short-sighted approach to feeding the world.
As a consumer, you have the power to choose where your food comes from. Organic food has become the fastest-growing sector of the U.S. food industry, jumping by double-digits annually, as more and more people recognize the benefits of turning away from conventional agriculture. Here are the reasons why:
The chemicals used in farming have been linked to cancer, allergies, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, birth defects, and Alzheimer’s.
Of the 25 most commonly used commercial pesticides:
Persistent organic pollutants like DDT do not occur naturally, do not decompose quickly, and build up within our bodies over time. The World Health Organization has warned that people who eat food treated with antibiotics become more susceptible to infections and increase the likelihood of antibiotic-resistant superbugs developing.
Beyond the health effects, conventional agriculture consolidates the ability to farm into the hands of a few wealthy land barons.
Conventional beef production involves grain-fed cattle that spend the vast majority of their lives in a confined dirt-floor barn. Some products labeled “pasture-raised” involve calves who spent six to nine months in the field before weaning and spent the final three to nine months on the feedlot, where they consumed grain, antibiotics, growth hormones, and beta-agonists. Cows weren’t meant to dine on grain or live in containment. The distress suffered is not only inhumane for the animals, but it can also negatively affect the quality and nutritional value of the meat.
Ocean dead zones, caused by fertilizer runoff, have more than doubled since 1990. Vapor drift from sprayed pesticides containing atrazine has caused reproductive damage to frogs. Over 400 insects and pests are pesticide-resistant, while the bee population of natural pollinators is declining at an alarming level, raising food security concerns.
By poisoning the grasshopper, you poison the shrew who eats the grasshopper. By poisoning the shrew, you poison the owl, the fox, the coyote, and the wolves. The ecosystem becomes very unstable when any link of the food chain supply becomes disturbed by the use of toxins.
The overuse of surface and ground water leads to water scarcity. Conventional farming uses approximately 70 percent of our fresh water supply. Yet, pesticides and nitrogen fertilizers leach into the soil and pollute the groundwater, rivers, lakes, and oceans. Fish die off, algae blooms, and people have unhealthy drinking water.
The U.S. spends about $20 billion a year on agricultural farm subsidies. These payouts were designed to help impoverished farmers affected by natural disasters like the Dust Bowl, but now 60 percent of subsidies go to the largest 10 percent of commercial farms. More than 90 percent of subsidies go to farmers of wheat, cotton, corn, soybeans, and rice, which creates a surplus of food made into processed junk food or livestock feed for CAFOs.
Meanwhile, over half of our fresh fruit and nearly a third of our fresh vegetables get imported from other countries. We spend an estimated $12 billion a year to treat fertilizer-contaminated rural and municipal drinking water.
Thousand Hills Lifetime Grazed believes in holistic land management practices that enhance the quality of the Earth, rather than ransacking it for raw materials. We currently maintain a total of 600,000 acres, using regenerative practices to raise our Lifetime Grazed Grass Fed Beef. Our animals are well cared for – foraging on 100% grass for their entire lifetimes.
Organic regenerative agriculture uses:
Organic regenerative agriculture uses:
By choosing not to use harmful chemicals and reducing our footprint, we ensure a healthier planet for our children’s children. As Thousand Hills Lifetime Grazed Chief Renegade/Owner Matt Maier put it, “The slow drip of our chemically-laden land and food system is killing our land and our people. We feel an urgency to act.”
Shop our delicious and healthy 100% Grass Fed Beef Delivery today and share in our mission to create a sustainable future.