Beef liver is back! Throughout history, beef liver has been eaten, but it fell out of favor in recent years. Now, this organ meat is making a comeback as consumers recognize its nutritional benefits.
Discover Grass Fed Beef Liver from Thousand Hills Lifetime Grazed. You can prepare it to make a variety of delicious and nutritious meals.
Beef liver is so nutritious, it is considered a superfood. Superfoods are those with exceptional nutritional densities. Although rich in nutrients, they are low in calories.
Beef liver is an excellent source of protein, and low in fat. One hundred grams of beef liver consists of more than one-fifth, 20.4 grams, of complete protein. That amount also contains just 175 calories. Complete protein contains sufficient amounts of all nine amino acids. The amino acids are protein’s building blocks.
Eating beef liver can aid in weight loss. Not only is it low in calories, but its high protein content reduces hunger. Consuming a lot of protein can raise the metabolic rate. That means the body does not require as many calories for its basic functioning. Eating high-quality protein helps build muscle.
The amount of vitamins and minerals contained in beef liver far outweigh those found in fruits and vegetables. You do not have to consume much beef liver to receive 100 percent of the Recommended Dietary Intake (RDI) of most essential nutrients. For one essential nutrient in particular, it is just about the best source possible.
Choline is an essential nutrient. While it is necessary for the body to function, it is not that easily obtained. The brain and central nervous system require choline for muscle control, memory, and mood regulation. Choline forms the membranes surrounding cells. The liver produces small amounts of choline, but the majority of choline comes from food. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the diets of most people in the U.S. provide less than the daily recommended amounts of this essential nutrient.
Pregnant women, those with certain genetic conditions, and anyone needing intravenous feeding need even higher amounts of choline. Low choline levels can lead to muscle damage, liver problems, and fatty liver disease. The latter involves fat deposits in the liver.
Beef liver is chock full of choline. Along with eggs, it is the top source of choline.
Eating beef liver helps support the immune system. The immune system requires a great deal of nutritional support to function properly. This means an adequate amount of vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, and E, folic acid, and the following minerals:
Guess what food includes all of the above? Beef liver boosts the immune system and overall health.
Where can I buy Grass Fed Beef Liver? At Thousand Hills Lifetime Grazed, we offer beef products from cattle who lived on grass or forage for their entire lives. They received no grain, no antibiotics, and no hormones to boost weight.
If beef liver is making a comeback, so is regenerative agriculture. This is the way food was raised since ancient times, before the onslaught of industrial farming. Industrial farming has left depleted soils and pollution in its wake. Regenerative agriculture can repair that damage.
Regenerative agricultural practices benefit the environment. No chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides are used. Water sources are protected and biodiversity enhanced. Regenerative agriculture helps fight the battle against climate change by pulling excess carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and storing it in soils and plants.
Beef liver is not only nutritious, but affordable. While grass fed beef items cost more, you know you are purchasing the healthiest and eco-friendly meat available.
You care about the way your food was raised and its sustainability. We know the educated consumer is our best customer. The grass fed meats from Thousand Hills Lifetime Grazed are available in various delivery options, including subscription bundles to save money.